Loosely based on ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’, the drama tells the story of Lorenzo Berman (Alessandro Preziosi), who gets into trouble because of some friends. His life is driven by revenge and one day he comes back with a new identity just to take back what is his and destroy all the others, including his girlfriend.
The director, impressed by this border town wedged between the sea and the mountains, chose Trieste as a set for outdoor settings. The Napoleonic Road and the Old Port – Porto Vecchio merge in a unique landscape designed to stand in for disadvantaged suburbs. The panoramic shots are were taken from the Castle of San Giusto, built between 1470 and 1630 and housing a rich collection of weapons from private collections, and the village of Contovello from which you can go down to Miramare, following a picturesque trail.
Raffaele Mertes
Eleonora Fiorini, Nicola Lusaurdi, Giorgia Mariani, Dante Palladino, Mauro Casiraghi, Maura Nuccetelli, Chiara Clini, Anna Mittone
Anna Valle, Alessandro Preziosi, Lorenzo Flaherty, Ray Lovelock, Paolo Seganti, Simona Borioni, Desirèe Noferini