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Volevo fare la Rockstar 2

In this second season the protagonists grapple with new problems and Olivia’s life becomes more complicated. Will our characters be able to find a balance and make their dreams come true? A charming place in this second season is the ancient “Amideria Chiozza” in Perteole in the municipality of Ruda (Udine). The starch factory was founded in 1865 on the remains of a mill as a small company for the production of corn starch. It was the first factory in Lower Friuli and is also a valuable source for the production technologies used in the past. For this reason, the Ruda Municipality bought the complex in 1991 to ensure its protection. The presence of mechanical finds still intact inside makes the visitor almost travel in time, and director Matteo Oleotto himself was enchanted! In 2016, the starch factory took 21st place in the national ranking of the eighth edition of “Heart Places”, the ranking of Italian places that should not be forgotten, sponsored by FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo. Here is the link to FAI’s contribution to enhancing the site:




Matteo Oleotto


Alessandro Sermoneta, Andrea Agnello, Daniela Gambaro, Matteo Visconti, Giacomo Bisanti


Giuseppe Battiston, Valentina Bellè, Riccardo Maria manera, Angela Finocchiaro, Emanuela Grimalda
