Three years after the events of the first film, Michele lives a tough youth. His life takes an unexpected turn when the mysterious twin Natasha and his birth mother Yelena suddenly storm inside and call him on a new, unexpected adventure.
Were you also impressed by the impressive building with the statue of the goddess Minerva overlooking the Gulf of Trieste? In the film it’s a school, but it’s actually the main building of the University of Trieste. The building has a formal and elegant structure that seems to be inspired by Greek classicism. The authors wanted to build a kind of university citadel facing the sea. Today it is one of the architectural masterpieces in the history of Trieste. Another special scene in the film was the protagonist’s “flight” in the Broletto gasometer, a historic building. In 1901, this gasometer was the main repository for domestic and industrial use of natural gas and in 1988 it was recognized as an Asset of Cultural Interest!
Gabriele Salvatores
Alessandro Fabbri, Ludovica Rampoldi, Stefano Sardo
Ludovico Girardello, Ksenia rappoport, Galatea bellugi, Valeria Golino, Noa Zatta, Ivan Franek